Dimension (When extended) - 180 x 175 x 146 cm (LxWxH). While every effort is made to ensure accurate colour reproduction of the products shown here, some variances may occur depending on your screen. Please note this excludes all public holidays.
If there is any delay, please rest assured, we will get in touch with you. Unfortunately, we are unable to provide you with an estimate of these at this time given the uncertainty at this time. We hope to update this section soon once things get back to normal. In addition to this, please provide as much detail regarding your query, including relevant pictures and your order number (if applicable). Please keep your packaging with you until the barbecue is not fully assembled and you have tested it once. If the faulty parts are replaceable, we will send these to you, so you would not have to return the whole Item. Please do not start assembly before contacting us.The CosmoGrill/EVRE customer service will then generate a return authorisation which you would need to attach to your Item. Our return address: Evre Ltd, Unit A3, Middlesex Business Centre, Bridge Road, UB2 4AB.
Please try A2 unit if the system doesn't accept A3. Please ensure that sufficient care packaging for the Item is used to avoid parts getting damaged in transit. Kindly note: We cannot be held accountable for your parcel during transit. REMEMBER: Always include a copy of your invoice with your return and return authorisation number. Don't miss any offers!